Shun the imposter syndrome- we all are works in progress

While you’re working – Do you find yourself armouring up, or going out of your way to please others or going to great lengths to prove just how well you can perform?

This is because feeling the need to fight for self-worth is associated with higher levels of anxiety and lower levels of job performance and job satisfaction.  
Shun this imposter syndrome. Accept that we’re all works in progress. Jessica Amortegui, Senior Director of Learning and Development at LinkedIn says, “Befriending our vulnerability requires getting more comfortable with emotional exposure, risk and uncertainty.” It can help to combat our internal “not enough-ism”. Another way of combatting imposter syndrome is the use of character strengths while asking the questions- What do I want? What do I care about? How do I want to show up at work? How am I applying my signature strengths in daily work life? They help us to understand the bigger picture of what is important for us.
Use of signature strengths that we may not be yet bringing out fully at workplace brings out the best version of ourselves.
Then we’ll find our happier self too.

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